The Seed: Conversations for Radical Hope

Season Four Trailer

Pendle Hill, Dwight Dunston Season 4

Welcome to Season 4 of The Seed! Join us as we explore what spiritual alignment looks like in this moment of escalating social and political upheaval and violence: How do we cultivate discernment to stay the course and stay connected to our leadings? How are we being called to transform ourselves and our communities to break down systems of oppression and embody new ways of being?

Guest voices in order of appearance: Adria Gulizia, Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, Felix Rosado, Valerie Brown, and Parker Palmer. 

The transcript for this episode is available on
The Seed is a project of Pendle Hill, a Quaker center open to all for Spirit-led learning, retreat, and community. We’re located in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, on the traditional territory of the Lenni-Lenape people.

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Online Quaker Worship with Dwight:
Dwight will attend the Pendle Hill online Quaker worship on the last Friday of the month from 8:30 to 9:10 AM (Eastern Time). Visit Pendle Hill Online Worship for details.

This project is made possible by the generous support of the Thomas H. & Mary Williams Shoemaker Fund.

Dwight Dunston 0:04   

Welcome back, friends, to The Seed: Conversations for Radical Hope, a Pendle Hill podcast where Quakers and other seekers come together to explore visions of the world that is growing up through the cracks of our broken systems. This is Season Four. 


Adria Gulizia 0:25   

And yet, they felt like the stakes are too high to do things the Quaker way. We see people being oppressed; we have to do things a different way. Maybe we do, or maybe that's a temptation. Understanding how to discern around that is the challenge of this age. 


Rabbi Mordechai Liebling 0:39   

What I learned from the elders at Standing Rock was that I was going to do this in prayer, in ritual, in ceremony. 


Felix Rosado 0:48   

The only thing that keeps me going is hope. That one day things are going to change, whether I see that day or not. Believing in what you can't see—that's really the gist of this movement to abolish prisons. 


Valerie Brown 0:57   

We need to consider particularly meeting houses as places of action. 


Parker Palmer 1:03   

It's been a paradox between the long, slow, patient work of generation upon generation upon generation of people who created cracks in the system and grew the green shoots of hope up through those cracks. And at the same time, the true counsel that we are in a moment that manifests the fierce urgency of now, and we always have been. 


Dwight Dunston 1:29   

This season, we're exploring what spiritual alignment means, in this moment of escalating social and political upheaval and violence. How do we cultivate discernment to stay the course and stay connected to our leadings? How are we being called to transform ourselves and our communities to break down systems of oppression and embody new ways of being? Join us as we explore these queries and others by subscribing to The Seed wherever you get your podcasts or by visiting 

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